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时间:2021-10-03 16:32:06 来源:

建筑师: 工作室56地点:
类别: 展馆

这个项目是为阿奇实现的<20 competition, consisted on proposing a pavilion of 20 m2 floor space to be constructed in a protected natural area in Muttersholtz, Alsace. With a limited budget of 7000 Euro, the commission allowed to seek for a precise and careful architecture. In this sense, the first intention was to create a building that could offer an experience of varied possibilities, using the least materials and formal recourses. This intention is translated into a structural system that performs various tasks: the possibility of light, shadow, ventilation and also to provide temporal storage space.>


从外观上看,展馆往往会消失: 在其形式极限的模棱两可的性质中,一个看似普通的物体被揭示为光,图像,人和物体的复杂相互作用。邀请来访者反思这种不安。
