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时间:2022-02-04 17:32:19 来源:

建筑师: roni Architect
类别: 私人住宅

Guntur house先生是低能和低预算的房子。这所房子位于Sidoarjo,在珍珠住宅小屋中。这所房子的起源是我们的54型家庭装修分为两层,已经足够容纳家庭bp guntur的日常活动。该房屋的设计方法以 “节能房屋” 为主题。就像需求已经在关注我们设计的guntur先生一样。它也是美丽城堡先生拥有的节能住宅。Budiando sidoarjo,(http://roniarsitek.blogspot.com/2014/07/desain-arsitektur-tropis-hemat-energi.html)。这已经在理论和实践中得到证明。即使没有空调,里面的空间也很凉爽,这是众议院的主题。节能住宅第一阶段是现代乡村住宅。guntur先生是所有的,我们以夜间节能住房berbendar为主题。所以看到他夜晚的光芒是非常有趣的。与我们设计的风格表相结合,使其在白天或晚上看起来都不错。名册的作用是将外部空气循环到seluasa房屋中,因此室内新鲜空气的供应最大。也是房子本身的美学元素。也可以说是现代主义的手工艺 ,因此我们的期望虽然使用了当地食材seputaran sidoarjo,但能够在全球范围内发挥作用。但在附近仍然需要低调。我们不想大声喊叫我们的cuman pingin低估了它。店主说。通过播放比例d/h创建的设计的简单性<1 reply then knit into a unity such that the shape, unique and attractive, even with simple ingredients. rosters, Conwood, aluminum and glass, plaster and brick walls. antecedent coherent with night lights element will refract the shadow roster of space in the affected lights. to save development costs, partially we reuse the existing architectural materials, like tile we use back long, long wall floor we maintain a lot.plan lay out a lot of the old retaining walls that save development costs, a concept we create maximum air circulation to catch the wind from the front of the building leads to the well towards the rear wind. so as it will create cross ventilation or isis term Javanese people ..wesssss wesss stroked blows air Seger homeowner. because the air often change the course of the owner does not get sick sickly because of dirty air penyebap disease every day in the same blow with the wind. demikan his case. grace abundant sun also we enter the maximal in space saving electrical energy. because of all the bright room without electricity turn in times during the day.a blend of local materials with elements of modern lines, crafting architectural modernism in our knitting with air roster materials, Conwood, glass and alumium it alone ...,outside air circulation patterns that we exhale into all spaces. so that all the rooms were cool even without air conditioning>
